Family Traditions

Mar 21, 2021    Ben Stuckey    Collide, Acts 10-15; Ephesians 4:11-13

Collisions can be funny when watching blooper videos on Social Media, but when we collide with others in our life it can be hard, hurtful, and can even leave a scar. What can be even worse is when we collide with family members within the Body of Christ. The Bible does not hide its warts. Throughout the New Testament, we see several collisions within the church family. However, we can’t just use that as an excuse to collide with each other, and then turn a blind eye to the collision. In the book of Acts, we see the early church collide with a major “change,” when a Gentile named Cornelius is changed by the Holy Spirit. It was a Collision with their FAMILY TRADITIONS. It was a Collision Peter had to work through, and it was a COllision The other church leaders worked though. But when they were willing to collide, they were able to come together, embrace change, and we are now part of the family.