Join us for worship at First Church of God in LaGrange Indiana this Sunday at 9:00am or 10:30am

We continue in our Genesis series with a message called, “Fallen Angels, Giants, and the Land War”.
The Bible presents a world view that is breathtaking, but most Christians have never been taught about the unseen realm behind this physical world. We refer to it as “spiritual warfare” or “cosmic conflict”, but whatever we call it, there is a spiritual realm that controls regions, nations, and peoples. The Bible calls them “powers & principalities” and understanding their activity opens our eyes to understanding world events.

This one is going to be a little strange, but it will answer a lot of questions and help you to see your Bible in a more complete way.  Scriptures that were cloudy will suddenly become clear.  The result will be that your faith will grow as you see what God is doing behind the scenes.

I hope to see you there.
Next Steps Lunch After 2nd Service - Week  2

If you are new to the church you are invited to a Next Steps Lunch following the second service.
- It will be in the upper room at 12pm
- Lunch is provided
- Basic first steps in walking with Jesus and getting connected at church
- Very casual time of sharing with opportunity to ask questions and get know each other.

If you are new to the church in the last year, please stay and join us for lunch and conversation.

Pastor Rich