Hello Church,

Worship with First Church of God in LaGrange Indiana this Sunday at 9:00am or 10:30am.

Following the 2nd worship service
we are going to have a huge Pre-Game Superbowl carry in dinner in the gym.  Everyone is welcome - bring a main dish and a side or dessert to share. Stay after the 2nd service get some good food and have some fun.

The message Sunday is "The Mystery of the Tower of Babel. 

In Genesis 11 we find the strange story of an obscure tower built in a place called Babel that was highly offensive to God.  The entire story consist of  only 9 verses but it is bursting with meaning.

Babel and what happens there is laced into all the rest of scripture in such a way that if we miss its meaning, we miss one of the foundational truths of scripture.

Understanding the mystery of the Tower of Babel gives us fantastic insight into what is happening in 2025 and how to protect ourselves from the dark forces moving across the world today.

This one is fascinating and will stretch previous preconceived ideas about what happened in the plain of Shinar.

I hope to see you this Sunday at 9:00aa or 10:30am.

Pastor Rich